Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Overview

Putting safety and risk management at the heart of the company is the foundation for building trust and delivering value.

In our pursuit of greater ethical standing, the Shoaibi Group looks to maintain the highest standards of corporate governance. Good governance is the foundation on which we manage risk and build the trust of all our stakeholders.

Everyone in the Shoaibi Group is bound by a common code of conduct, which governs the way we work in all corners of the world. Our employees are united by our strong values of accountability, respect, teamwork and integrity. They make sure that high ethical standards, and an unwavering commitment to safety, permeate our organisation.

The Shoaibi Group Board’s oversight of a robust corporate governance framework is at the heart of our organisation and ensures that we can consistently execute our strategy.

We have a chairman, three executive directors and one independent non-executive director. Our directors bring with them truly international experience from a wide range of professional and business backgrounds.

Our Board Committees – the Audit Committee, the Nomination & Remuneration Committee and the Executive Committee – under the leadership of their respective chairs, carry out important and demanding roles on the Shoaibi Group Board’s behalf and facilitate the embedding of good governance across the organisation.